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Status of Persons with Disability Human Rights Defenders in Kenya

Persons with disabilities face enough social barriers as aforementioned in the introduction of this report. With these barriers already in their day-to-day life, the challenges that come with being a Human Rights Defender are double fold for these individuals. Stigmatization of people living with disabilities contributed majorly to the formation of biases and prejudices which put them into the disadvantageous position compared to people, who are not with disability. Such biases and prejudices have contributed to the discrimination of people with disabilities which various initiatives by both the government, non-governmental organizations and HRDs have consistently tried to eliminate consistently. Nonetheless, the problem of people with disabilities and their discrimination persists because many biases and prejudices are resilient.

In addition, modern life has created several technologies like modern cities where stairs, trains, cars, doors, and elevators are designed to simplify movement. However, despite the existence of these technologies, it has not made life any
easier for the PWDs. Many of them find that they cannot climb stairs, drive cars or even access trains without help from someone else. Therefore, while the rest of the world is enjoying the benefits of technology, a disabled person, including those that are trying to fight for their rights would still have to overcome these challenges in order to move from place to place. Hence, difficulties in mobility among the disabled also testify to their hardship Additionally, following limited resources due to lack of engagement of PWDs in economic activities, some of the best assistive technologies for the disabled are quite expensive, and average
citizens cannot afford them.

Finally, the challenge confronting policy and law formulation to promote, protect and safeguard the rights of persons with disabilities needs to be viewed in a broader context beyond a single piece of legislation. The same emphasis during policy formulation on PWD issues should be adhered to at the implementation level. Without thorough implementation of the stipulations of the policies in regards to promoting equity and equality towards this marginalized group, then PWDs and PWD HRDs will continue to live and work in a hostile environment. According to WHO report on disability which stipulates that; lack of equitability access to resources such as education, employment, health care and the social and legal support system resulting in person with disabilities having disproportionately high rates of poverty (WHO Disability Report 2012). Sustainable equitable progress in the agreed global development agenda cannot be achieved without the inclusion of persons with Disabilities.

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