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UNLAWFUL ARRESTS IN KENYA: Kenya exposes its human rights record to the world with uncalled for arrest of 27 HRDs from their Justice Centre Office

Kenya exposes its human rights record to the world with uncalled for arrest of 27 HRDs from their Justice Centre Office on the eve of UN Civil Society Conference

8 May 2024, Nairobi, Kenya

The Defenders Coalition strongly condemns the storming of Mathare Social Justice Centre and Ghetto Foundation Offices by National Police Service Officers from Pangani Police Station and the subsequent arrest of 27 Human Rights Defenders (HRDs).

The arrested HRDs were meeting in their offices to discuss issues around the government’s negligence and forceful eviction of poor families that had survived the deadly floods that claimed many lives including that of woman human rights defender Benna Buluma.

We are appalled that on the eve of the United Nations Civil Society Conference, an international conference with eminent human rights delegates from across world converging in Nairobi, the Kenyan government can resort to a new low of arbitrariness of arresting, harassing and intimidating any dissenting voice.

The actions by the law enforcement agencies are unlawful and shameless. It is shocking that the national police Service, an agency mandated to serve and protect citizens, went against their very mandate and targeted community volunteers and human rights defenders who have been offering lifesaving support to flood victims in Mathare.

26 of the arrested HRDs are being held in Pangani and 1 Ruaraka Police Station respectively and trumped up charges of incitement to violence have been preferred against them. Their arbitrary detention is an outright violation of their rights and an abuse of the rule of law. Their safety and wellbeing is a matter of concern to us as many of them are without warm clothing.
The Defenders Coalition calls for the immediate release of the detained HRDs and calls for thorough investigations into the attack on the Mathare Social Justice Centre. Individual perpetrators of violence and those responsible for the unlawful arrest of HRDs must be held accountable for their actions.

We urge all Human Rights Defenders, Civil Society Organizations and the public to stand in solidarity with the arrested HRDs at their arraignment in Madaraka Law Courts on 9th May 2024 at 9.00AM.

Defenders Coalition reiterates that attacks on human rights defenders will not deter us from our mission to promote and protect human rights for all.

Kamau Ngugi,

Executive Director


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