Helpline: 0716 200 100

To champion the safety, security and wellbeing of Human Rights Defenders.


19 January 2020

Nairobi, Kenya

We, the undersigned civil society organizations, would like to express our deep concern at the recurrence of incidents of Hate Speech by a section of political leaders in political gatherings in the buildup to the 2022 general elections. We are alarmed at the continued and reckless utterances of a section of political class that may kindle political and social tensions, potentially sparking anarchy and social instability. 

In the run-up to previous general elections, Kenyans witnessed numerous incidents of Hate Speech that have fueled violence and unhealthy competition during elections. The existence of robust legal and policy provisions that criminalize Hate Speech and the establishment of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has not deterred the political class from uttering statements that could incite the citizenry. 

With less than seven months to Kenya’s General Elections, the political class continues to utter reckless statements that result in violent incidences. In two days, The Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP) directed the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to launch a probe on Kitutu Chache South MP Richard Onyonka and Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot over incitement claims. These actions come days after the arrest and arraignment of Meru Senator Mithika Linturi on charges of hate speech and incitement. The utterances made in political rallies can incite contempt, hatred, hostility, violence, and discrimination. 

Kenya’s 2007, 2013, and 2017 elections were marred by post-election violence, evidencing the dangerous impact of politically instigated utterances. It is incumbent that the relevant Government agencies crack the whip on politicians that would undoubtedly amount to Hate Speech. 

In this regard, we further condemn the continuous incitements and barrage of hate speech in social gatherings, social media, and political rallies by politicians in the strongest terms possible. We remind the political class inciting Kenyans of their solemn vow to uphold and defend the Constitution’s duty to protect the Nation’s interests and its citizens. Page 2 of 2 

We, therefore, call on the following from relevant actors to do the following: 

1. The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government to maintain law, order, and security and preserve the authority of the state; 

2. The NCIC to take stern action against perpetrators of Hate Speech discrimination as well as advocate for cohesiveness while promoting unity and equity in line with its mandate; 

3. The Office of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to promote integrity, efficiency, and accountability within the department of justice; 

4. The Office of the Director of Public Prosecution to move with speed to prosecute all incitement and hate speech cases from NCIC; 

5. The Churches, Mosques, and other religious institutions to work together to call out instances of hate speech within places of worship and further take the bold step of denying audience to persons who would use the opportunity to spread hate and division; 

6. The Media to take a stand against covering and reporting matters that would cause incitement; 

7. The IEBC to take note and not clear those found guilty of incitement from vying for political office; 

8. The NCIC to monitor the political rallies and utterances made and document and report these matters; 

9. The Judiciary to prioritise the cases once presented in court; and 

10. Kenyans to report all cases of hate speech to the relevant authorities. 

In conclusion, we wish to remind all Kenyans that we must maintain peace and condemn any person desiring to divide Kenyans as we march towards the upcoming elections. We call upon the political class to engage respectfully and soberly, appreciating that sensational statements may have dire consequences. We will not relent in protecting our interests as a nation and use elections as a mechanism to express democracy and call for a peaceful election. 

Thank you. 

Signed by the following Civil Society Organizations: 

1. The Kenyan Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Kenya) 

2. Kenya Human Rights Commission 

3. The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (Defenders Coalition) 

4. Social Justice Centers Working Group 

5. Constitution and Reform Education Consortium (CRECO) 

6. Protection International – Africa 

7. Women Human Rights Defenders Hub 

8. Article 19 


The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (Defenders Coalition) works primarily to champion the safety, security, and wellbeing of human rights defenders (HRDs). Among other pathways, the Defenders Coalition does this through strengthening the capacities of HRDs to work more effectively, besides advocating for favourable legal, policy and institutional environments to reduce their vulnerability to the risk of persecution and/or harm. The Defenders Coalition believes that every individual is entitled to the rights and personal liberties, security, and social justice; and that HRDs play a frontline role of advancing the realization of these rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

The Elections Coordinator will lead in preparation and support services for monitoring and observing elections. It includes arranging for all logistics and administrative requirements to deploy and repatriate election monitoring teams, transport and equipment.

Some of the major responsibilities include equipment procurement, financial and contractual aspects of the project implementation and coordination with the Elections monitors across the country. The ideal candidate must have good negotiation, planning and coordination skills, embrace working independently, but also collaboratively as part of a larger team.



Application Procedure

Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications should apply via  to reach us no later than Friday 14th February 2022.


The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (Defenders Coalition) works primarily to champion the safety, security, and wellbeing of human rights defenders (HRDs). Among other pathways, the Defenders Coalition does this through strengthening the capacities of HRDs to work more effectively, besides advocating for favourable legal, policy and institutional environments to reduce their vulnerability to the risk of persecution and/or harm. The Defenders Coalition believes that every individual is entitled to the rights and personal liberties, security, and social justice; and that HRDs play a frontline role of advancing the realization of these rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution of Kenya 2010.


We are looking for a Protection Manager to oversee and support all aspects of general safety and security programming services and ensure that appropriate activities are developed in response to issues being raised by human rights defenders and communities.

He/ she will be responsible for creating linkages between the M&E and legal assistance team. The protection manager will engage in external representation and coordination with other relevant actors as well as participate in local‐level coordination forums.

Duties and Responsibilities

Education/Experience Requirements

Application Procedure

Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications should apply via  to reach us no later than Friday 14th February 2022.


The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (Defenders Coalition) works primarily to champion the safety, security, and wellbeing of human rights defenders (HRDs). Among other pathways, the Defenders Coalition does this through strengthening the capacities of HRDs to work more effectively, besides advocating for favourable legal, policy and institutional environments to reduce their vulnerability to the risk of persecution and/or harm. The Defenders Coalition believes that every individual is entitled to the rights and personal liberties, security, and social justice; and that HRDs play a frontline role of advancing the realization of these rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

We are looking for an Advocacy Manager. This position will support the implementation of the organisation’s cross-disciplinary strategic priorities including an action plan to complement the overall plan.

The ideal candidate is one who understands the civil society space in Kenya, is an excellent networker and convener, is at ease in all levels of advocacy influencing. An extensive experience in policy, promotional and advocacy work and must have experience working in a membership organisation, bring strategic, creative and critical thinking, embraces working independently, but also collaboratively as part of a team with other departments as well as partners.


Education/Experience Requirements

Application Procedure

Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications should apply via  to reach us no later than Friday 14th February 2022.

 Press Statement : Kenya Elections 2022 will not be free, fair or credible. Kenyans must demand better!

Download statement

 Press Statement 

Mombasa, January 27, 2022 


On Friday, January 21, 2022, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) officially gazetted Tuesday, August 9, 2022 as the date of the third General Election under the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. In releasing the elections calendar the IEBC sought to assure Kenyans that the up-coming General Election would be free, fair and credible as required by the Constitution. 

In the run-up to the 2022 General Elections, we, The Angaza Movement (TAM), a national and grassroots collective of active citizens and Civil Society Organisations, are deeply concerned about the state of preparedness among critical institutions charged with the management of elections, their capture by various State and sectarian interests, and the entrenched culture of impunity. 

Every election in Kenya has been bungled since 2007. Kenya is still burdened by unresolved putative elections, which has deeply undermined public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process. The underwhelming performance of the IEBC in the ongoing registration of voters, compounded with a perennially problematic voters register does not inspire confidence that the election will be free, fair or credible. We are deeply concerned that IEBC has deliberately refused to learn from the dismal performance of the Enhanced Voter Registration last year. There is no evidence that it has engaged the National Registration Bureau to satisfy itself that the delayed release of identification documents is not suppressing voter registration. Voter registration is being carried out in the absence of civic education and awareness and bottlenecks in accessing identity documentation could deny citizens their political rights. 

The IEBC has papered over many of the legal and administrative changes the Supreme Court ordered in 2017 after nullifying the presidential election results on account of glaring illegalities and irregularities. The IEBC is hollowed out, and bereft of institutional memory because of unfilled vacancies in the commission and the secretariat. Many of the individuals who left the electoral management body in disgrace have been rewarded with appointments to sensitive positions that could affect the conduct of elections. 

The arrant refusal by the state to adequately and timeously fund the electoral management body, inordinate delays in effecting appointments and last-minute changes to the law undoubtedly destabilise the context in which elections will be held. 

The government has frustrated the electoral management body including denying the opportunity for any auxiliary elections funding from other development partners. 

The fragile security around the country, characterised by incidents of violence in Baringo, Laikipia and Lamu counties and headlined regularly by extra-judicial executions, forced disappearances and a general breakdown in police discipline signal that the window for delivering a credible, free and fair election is shutting. Past elections have been determined by the use of violence against women and other vulnerable groups, with no accountability for sexual and gender-based crimes. SGBV has become a defining feature of political violence employed to curtail women’s participation in the country’s governance. There can be no free or fair election in a violent environment ring-fenced by impunity. 

The IEBC, political parties, the legislature and the Executive continue to defy the Constitution and the courts to promote the inclusion of women, youth and persons living with disabilities. An election held in such a context cannot be said to be free, fair or credible. 

The IEBC and other state agencies have deliberately refused to uphold and enforce obligatory integrity standards. It has failed or refused to underwrite democracy in political parties, which are publicly funded, by requiring them to meet the constitutional requirements of transparency and accountability in their political processes. IEBC and other institutions have bowed to political interests that suppress the good of the people, their safety, security and democracy. 

The Angaza Movement believes that Kenya has the capacity to conduct free and fair elections. Chapter Six of the Constitution defines the standards for leadership and integrity. We are calling on every Kenyan citizen to do that which the IEBC and other state institutions have failed to do: Put integrity at the head of this election. 
















Enough is Enough: Stop Killing Women Human Rights Defenders

Enough is Enough: Stop Killing Women Human Rights Defender

Nairobi, 5 January 2022

We, the Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs), civil society organizations and social movements condemn the killing of Elizabeth Ibrahim Ekaru-HSC, an astute women’s rights advocate, a peace champion as well as an environmental and land rights defender from Isiolo County.

Elizabeth was murdered on Monday 3 January 2022 allegedly by her neighbor over a land dispute. She was attending a burial when she was lured to her death trap by the suspect who called her aside only to commit the heinous act by stabbing her severally, something that comes off as premeditated. The suspected murderer was apprehended by a mob and is currently recuperating at a local hospital under police guard.

The barbaric murder of woman human rights defender Elizabeth brings to the fore the pervasive nature of incidences of violence against women and girls in Kenya. Her killing while defending land rights, is a true testimony of the risks, challenges and attacks that Women Human Rights Defenders continue facing in the line of their work.

We are startled by the escalating attacks on women and more so WHRDs in Kenya. Defenders Coalition has documented alarming cases of femicide in the past few years pointing to a cavalier attitude towards women in the society.

On 15 July 2021, a woman human rights defender and environmentalist from Kiambu County- Joannah Stutchbury was brutally murdered for standing up against environmental injustice in Kiambu Forest. The government, through the Office of the President and Director of Criminal Investigations, promised speedy investigations and

conclusion of the matter to ensure action is taken against the perpetrators(s). Worryingly, there has not been a single arrest related to the killing of Joannah and the persons responsible for her death are still walking free.

In August 2021 two women environmental activists from the Owino Ohuru area in the coastal region were also targeted for attack when pursuing justice for residents and victims of environmental pollution in Owino Ohuru Slums in Mombasa.

The above cases are classic examples of the price that women human rights defenders have to pay for protecting human rights and advancing the social, economic, cultural and political rights under the Constitution of Kenya 2010.

Elizabeth has been recognized severally including being the recipient of the Head of State Commendation Award for her courage and role at the frontline defending human rights. She is also part of the National Network of Women Human Rights Defenders, which is convened by the Defenders Coalition.

We, therefore, call on the following from relevant offices of the government:

  1. The Office of the President to direct the office of the Director of Criminal Investigations to conduct thorough investigations and ensure the perpetrator and Elizabeth Ibrahim Ekaru’s killer is brought to justice;
  2. The Office of the President, together with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Kenya to publicly condemn and declare the murder of women human rights defenders in Kenya to be alarming and consider the issue to be crisis level;
  3. The Office of the Attorney General to fast track the process of reviewing and adoption of the Human Rights Defenders Policy, a tool that is designed give guidance of the work of not only Women human rights defenders but also all human rights defenders and their protection thereof by the state;
  4. The Office of the President, through its support offices, to give an update on the progress of the case Joannah Stutchbury murder and all femicide cases in Kenya as a sign of commitment to his word, upholding social justice and signify seriousness of closing matters pertaining crimes against environmental and land rights defenders in Kenya;
  5. The office of the Director of Criminal Investigations to thoroughly investigate Elizabeth Ibrahim Ekaru’s murder and not leave any stone unturned in their pursuit of justice for her. Further, to make public their status report within 7 days henceforth (by 11th January 2022)

About Elizabeth Ibrahim Ekaru

Elizabeth Ibrahim Ekaru was a dedicated WHRD and a women’s rights community leader who spent most of her life fighting for the rights of women, youth and children from pastoral communities. She was a renowned gender activist who spread the message of women empowerment through educating the girl child and was also involved in several initiatives of economically empowering women from her community through village savings and loan associations and other self-help groups. Elizabeth was also a climate change activist and she was heavily invested in economic empowerment of women through agribusiness whereby she would work closely with other women from pastoral communities to grow food crops to counter the harsh effects of climate change in the areas which are susceptible to drought and famine. She was also an advocate for the land rights of indigenous women and she met her untimely demise while defending her land ownership rights. Elizabeth was an icon of peace having started her journey as the Chairperson of the Turkana Dancer[1]s group back in 1998, where together with other community members, they would spread the message of peace through artistry.

Elizabeth was a member of the Isiolo Peace and Resolution Committee, a caucus formed to spearhead peaceful co-existence and cohesion among the different communities in Isiolo County. She has also served as the chairperson of Maendeleo ya Wanawake, Isiolo Central Division at some point in her life. Elizabeth has in the past found herself in the middle of cattle rustling tussles whereby her home was targeted by cattle rustlers from the neighboring communities and she used this as a motivation to continue fighting for peaceful co-existence between the communities. She always felt that most of the conflicts at the time were a result of misunderstanding and bad leadership, and she, therefore, sought to try and establish good relations with the other communities by getting involved in peace talks and campaigns.

Coming from a deeply patriarchal society, she was faced with so many challenges and in some instances, she had to fight to be included in peace negotiations because traditionally, women were not part of the peace building processes which were only a reserve for elders and male counterparts. Elizabeth was very instrumental in bringing calm not just in Isiolo but also in the neighboring counties i.e. in Garissa whereby she represented the voices of women and championed the cause for equal compensation for both male and female victims of clashes. Further, she was a mentor to young girls and women in different counties and an FGM advocate.

Elizabeth bagged several awards in her journey as a women’s rights leader. These include the Head of State Recommendation Award during the Mwai Kibaki regime, at a time when she was serving as the chairperson of the Maendeleo ya Wanawake organization in Isiolo. This followed her efforts to resolve conflict during the ethnic clashes in the Rift Valley region around the year 2005, involving unrest in Kirema, Mai Mahiu, and Naivasha. Elizabeth continued to advocate for the rights of children and women, who she felt were the most affectednby armed conflict and were also marginalized in the peace-making processes due to the patriarchal nature of the communities.

Elizabeth joined the Isiolo Voice of Women Network as vice-chairperson, a role in which she continued to fight for the rights of young women and girls and also to promote the agency and economic empowerment of women. She was also part of caucuses such as the Burat Citizen Forum. Due to her commitment and advocacy, Elizabeth was nominated to represent Isiolo in the BOMAS national constitutional conference as part of the process that led to the creation of the 2010 Constitution of Kenya. Elizabeth, through her work and determination, was appointed peace ambassador representing a group of women from 12 counties who had a goal of enhancing peace and security in the different areas they came from. At the time of her death, Elizabeth was a board member of the Isiolo Gender Watch.

The excerpt about the work of Elizabeth Ibrahim Ekaru has been compiled by our CSO partner Katiba Institute as in its publication TheUntold Stories of Women’s Rights Leaders. All rights reserved with Katiba Institute


 Signed by:


1)Salome Nduta- lWHRD

2) Emily kwamboka-IHRD

3)Florence Kanyua – WHRD

4) Naomi Vulenywa Barasa WHRD

5)Joyce Adhiambo (MVSN)-WHRD

6)Caren Wambui Kiarie-WHRD

7) Regina Opondo – WHRD

8)Isaiah Epuri

9) Susan Owiti-WHRD

10) Grace Lolim

11) Warima Muggi-WHRD

13) Pauline Kinyua

14) Michelle Mwanahamisi- WHRD

14)Andrew Mola Ilere-(Human rights Advocate,Mediator and Negotiator)

15) Dennis Hombe











Contract Duration: 10th -17th January 2022

Contract Period: 7 working days

Who we are

Defenders Coalition (The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders–Kenya) is a national organization incorporated in the Republic of Kenya as a Trust. Its mission is to strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders (HRDs) to work effectively in the country and to reduce their vulnerability to the risk of persecution, through protection, capacity building, and advocacy for a favorable legal and policy environment. Established in 2007, NCHRD-K is the only national organization that works primarily for the protection of HRDs.

The Defenders Coalition’s strategic plan 2020 – 2025 outlines the vision, mission and strategies of realizing the same. The strategic plan is futuristic and encompasses alignment to global human rights instruments as it seeks to effectively reposition the Defenders Coalition in the rapidly changing environment especially in technology. The identity of the plan is to present HRDs with holistic approaches geared towards a safe and secure environment for all HRDs through an established rapid response mechanism, capacity building and knowledge management structures.

Purpose and elements of the Operational Plan

The Operational Plan is the specific plan which prescribes how Defenders Coalition will use its resource towards the implementation of the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. It guides the day to day activities of the secretariat and its work plan for the coming year in order to achieve the goals and result areas set in the Strategic Plan. The Operational Plan identifies the activities and events that will be conducted by the Secretariat as aspired in the Strategic Plan.

In a nut shell, the Operational Plan identifies the following key elements with a view of guiding the implementation of the identified activities:

Identify key fundraising opportunities

Expected output

The expected outputs of the consultancy are;

  1. A comprehensive Operational Plan for the year 2022 which provides for the above key elements,
  2. A comprehensive budget for the year 2022,
  3. A MERL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning plan.

Scope and methodology of the Work

In preparing the Operational Plan, the Consultant is expected to undertake a close consultation of the Strategic Plan to identify activities and events for the year 2022. The Consultant is required to submit a proposal which indicates the methodology on how the Plan will be developed and highlights the content of the Operational Plan. The proposal will be assessed in the manner Defenders Coalition deems suitable. After a consultation is held and the proposal is approved, the Consultant will then guide the secretariat on developing the Operational Plan. The Consultant then will submit the final Operational Plan document.

Reporting lines

The Consultant will work under the direct supervision and guidance of the Executive Director and the Head of Programs/Operations. However, during the course of work the consultant will be expected to liaise and consult directly with Defenders Coalition’s financial budgets. Time Frame The total amount of time given for the preparation of the Operational Plan is a 4 day period.


The following should be included in the application:

  1. A Curriculum Vitae
  2. A two page proposal on how they are going to carry out the consultancy
  3. Company/individual profile including a minimum of three recent referees
  4. Evidence of programmatic and technical expertise

Application should be submitted to and no later than Wednesday, 5th January 2022 with the subject line CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPING THE OPERATIONAL PLAN 2022

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and the final decision reached no later than 7th January 2022.

Disclaimer: Defenders Coalition is an equal opportunity employer, committed to ensuring diversity, inclusivity and gender equality within our organization and work. Defenders Coalition, thus will recruit/award the consultancy to the most qualified person /company irrespective of race,color, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, gender, ethnicity. Only successful candidates will be contacted.






The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders-Kenya (NCHRD-K), currently Defenders Coalition requests proposals for provision of external audit services for the year ending 31st December 2021.

The Defenders Coalition is the national coalition of Human rights defenders in Kenya that works to strengthen the capacity of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) to work effectively and to reduce their vulnerability to the risk of persecution by advocating for a favourable legal and policy environment in Kenya.

Our mission is to Champion the safety, Security and wellbeing of human Rights defenders focusing on four main areas as follows:

  1. Supportive policy, legal and institutional Framework of HRDs.
  2. HRDs protection ( Safety and security)
  3. Social Economic Wellbeing of HRDs
  4. Institutional Development

The external audit of Defenders Coalition for the year ended 31 December, 2021 is an internal governance requirement necessary to ensure that the management, with delegated authority of the trustees, have discharged their legal responsibilities in respect of preparing the annual report and financial statements, and subjecting them to the correct level of external scrutiny. For Defenders Coalition, funding is obtained on the strength of audits and the donors are therefore a major interested party.

Main Objectives of the audit:

The objective is to carry out an independent audit of the books of accounts in accordance to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and to express an independent opinion in accordance to International Standards of Auditing (ISA700). In addition, the auditor is expected to review whether financial reports are in agreement with instructions as stipulated in agreements between Defenders Coalition and its donors.

Auditor’s duties & responsibilities:

  1. Review income received and expenditures incurred for the period.
  2. Verify accuracy and completeness of income and expenditures, ensuring all requisite supporting documentations exist.
  3. Review the adequacy and effectiveness of our internal controls and risk management system, and advise management and the Trustees on proposals for improvements.
  4. Review compliance with financial procedures through sample verification and testing process.
  5. Review compliance with statutory requirements.

Auditor’s profile:

  1. Qualified CPA-K and holders of active Practicing Certificates issued and registered by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK).
  2. Quality Assurance Review of the firm must have been conducted by ICPAK.
  3. A minimum of five years practicing experience.
  4. Relevant experience and capacity in carrying out audits of similar organizations.
  5. Shall not be a relative to a Trustee, staff or Advisory Council member of Defenders Coalition.

Application procedure:

Interested firms that meet the above minimum requirements are encouraged to send their applications alongside copies of the following documents to the address below and by 8 January 2022: –

  1. Registration Certificate issued to the firm by ICPAK.
  2. Membership Certificates of the audit partners issued by a recognized professional accountancy body (ICPAK, ACCA etc.).
  3. A list and contacts of at least five organizations where similar audits have been carried out.

The Chair

Board of Trustees

Defenders Coalition

P.O. Box 26309-00100




Any form of canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualification.

Defenders Coalition is an equal opportunity employer, committed to ensuring diversity, inclusivity and gender equality within our organization and work. Defenders Coalition, thus will recruit/award the consultancy to the most qualified person /company irrespective of race, color, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, gender, ethnicity. Only successful candidates will be contacted.





Expected start date: Immediately

Contract Period: 21 working days

Who we are

Defenders Coalition (The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders–Kenya) is a national organization incorporated in the Republic of Kenya as a Trust. Its mission is to strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders (HRDs) to work effectively in the country and to reduce their vulnerability to the risk of persecution, through protection, capacity building, and advocacy for a favorable legal and policy environment. Established in 2007, NCHRD-K is the only national organization that works primarily for the protection of HRDs.

The Defenders Coalition’s strategic plan 2020 – 2025 outlines the vision, mission and strategies of realizing the same. The strategic plan is futuristic and encompasses alignment to global human rights instruments as it seeks to effectively reposition the Defenders Coalition in the rapidly changing environment especially in technology. The identity of the plan is to present HRDs with holistic approaches geared towards a safe and secure environment for all HRDs through an established rapid response mechanism, capacity building and knowledge management structures.


The goal of this consultancy is to develop a framework for ensuring diversification of sources of income and decreased dependence from depreciating resources from the donor community.

Specific Objective

The specific objective of the strategy is to strengthen the capacity of the organization in on sustainability.


The Defenders Coalition, as many other civil society organizations, is faced with a complex funding environment, characterised by a global economic downturn and related financial crisis, shrinking domestic assistance, public deficits in some donor countries and shifting donor priorities. Furthermore, the Defenders Coalition has had a review on its strategic ambition which came in place in 2020 and expected to run until 2025. The strategic ambition reflects the growing appetite for the services of the Defenders Coalition among growing communities of HRDs, the desire for excellence in service delivery to the beneficiaries of our work as well as securing the future of the organization. With this, the financial allocation to meet these needs has drastically grown over time.

This requires a robust forward-looking resource mobilization strategy which takes into account this changing donor landscape as well as assesses lessons learned from past and current resource mobilisation efforts. This strategy must also explore new aid modalities and actors and outline a systematic and strategic approach to leveraging existing and new partnerships as well as recommend how to diversify the resource base to ensure success of the Defenders  Coalition’s mandate.

To this end, the Defenders Coalition is seeking a qualified consultant to develop a resource mobilization strategy with a proposed action plan responsive to the Defenders Coalition’s strategic vision, objectives, and results-orientation.

Scope of Work

Scope of work Specific tasks of the consultancy will include:

  1. Mapping Defenders Coalition’s priority activities as per the strategic plan and identifying funding gaps.
  2. Review documents and consult with Defenders Coalition’s management and internal strategic options to better understand the vision, mission and focus areas of the Defenders Coalitions priority areas.
  3. Review the Defenders Coalition’s strategic choices to better understand how much is needed and for what result area;
  4. Assess the importance and potential of vertical and core funding sources within the existing donors and potential donors interested in our work
  5. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of potential global and local donors to map the feasibility of securing multi-year and thematic funding. Map donors’ strategic areas of interest, funds available, grantees, funding windows, requirements and guidelines and interest in funding key Defenders Coalition’s result areas. Along these lines, also explore opportunities for partnerships (and mobilising and leveraging resources) from emerging donors- the BRIC countries and private sector (foundations)
  6. Recommend how to develop and maintain strategic partnerships and engagement with key donors, (past, present and future)
  7. Identifying suggested mechanisms for system-­‐level resource mobilisation and the strategic expansion of funding, including through innovative financing initiatives and mechanisms to stabilize the flow of funds, with a focus on both traditional and non-­‐traditional funding sources.
  8. Develop fundraising guidelines.


  1. A comprehensive resource mobilisation strategy that includes an overview of the situation, a critical analysis of past fundraising experience, explores future opportunities and strategies, details workflow processed and mechanisms for contribution management and outlines a time-bound action plan (with key responsible focal points) to systematically research and raise funds for achieving key results in Defenders Coalition’s strategic plan.
  2. An annex that maps donor interests, priorities, funding windows, typical funding amounts, focal points, samples of successful project applications, and points to clear actions that should be taken to mobilise funds and develop/maintain relationships with donors.
  3. An annex that outlines a series of fundraising materials (print and digital) that need to be produced to secure funding/raise the profile of key Defenders coalition’s results, including communications and organizational branding.
  4. An action plan that outlines clear time lines for the action proposed
  5. A plan for building the capacity of key staff in mobilising and leveraging resources and developing and maintaining partnerships for the Defenders Coalition at the national, regional and global
  6. Fundraising guidelines

Profile of the Consultant(s) 

The consultant(s) should have the following qualifications/expertise:

Interested applicants shall present to the Defenders Coalition both financial and technical proposal for the project. The technical proposal must cover all-important aspects of the project and the financial proposal should cover professional and support cost.

Application Procedure 

Interested applicants who meet the job requirements and qualifications and with the right personal attributes are invited to complete and submit the following:

  1. A technical proposal detailing the methodology and work plan
  2. Financial proposal
  3. A brief description of the resource person outlining recent experience in similar assignments
  4. At least three references of similar assignment
  5. Sample work that is similar to this assignment

All applications should be sent to Defenders Coalition Executive Director via copy  by Thursday, December 30th 2021 with subject line CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPING THE DEFENDERS COALITION RESOURCE MOBILIZATION STRATEGY


Defenders Coalition is an equal opportunity employer, committed to ensuring diversity, inclusivity and gender equality within our organization and work. Defenders Coalition, thus will recruit/award the consultancy to the most qualified person /company irrespective of race, color, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, gender, ethnicity. Only successful candidates will be contacted.





Expected start date: Immediately

Contract Period: 21 working days

Who we are

Defenders Coalition (The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders–Kenya) is a national organization incorporated in the Republic of Kenya as a Trust. Its mission is to strengthen the capacity of human rights defenders (HRDs) to work effectively in the country and to reduce their vulnerability to the risk of persecution, through protection, capacity building, and advocacy for a favorable legal and policy environment. Established in 2007, NCHRD-K is the only national organization that works primarily for the protection of HRDs.

The Defenders Coalition’s strategic plan 2020 – 2025 outlines the vision, mission and strategies of realizing the same. The strategic plan is futuristic and encompasses alignment to global human rights instruments as it seeks to effectively reposition the Defenders Coalition in the rapidly changing environment especially in technology. The identity of the plan is to present HRDs with holistic approaches geared towards a safe and secure environment for all HRDs through an established rapid response mechanism, capacity building and knowledge management structures.


The Defenders Coalition is cognisant of the role that (W)HRDs play during elections period in Kenya as elsewhere globally. (W)HRDs are at the centre of democratic processes as they actively monitor the situation of human rights during the period leading up to elections, during elections and after elections. The role supersedes just elections monitoring. They also passionately work to protect and promote human rights for all, seek justice and other remedies for victims and demand accountability for perpetrators of violation within and without the elections period. If documentation of facts and information is not properly done, the victims may end up not receiving justice,ending up exposing their lives or that of the victims of the violations to unprecedented risks.

It is on this premise that the Defenders Coalition is seeking the services of a consultant to develop a standard training manual as well as standard data collection tools(for use within and without Defenders Coalition and among partners) and to enhance the capacity of  (W)HRDs with skills in risk assessment and reporting as well as monitoring, documentation and reporting (MDR).  The consultant shall train 80 elections monitors on MDR and use of the data collection tools developed. The skills development training is intended to result in a pool of trainers of trainers from among the (W)HRDs who will continue strengthening the capacity of other (W)HRDs at the community level during and beyond elections period.

Scope of Work

Human Rights Defenders continue to work in an environment that is extremely dynamic. The risks associated with the work of promoting human rights is real but also the risk of exposure and severity differ, but increasingly women HRDs are prime targets. The Defenders Coalition addresses these issues by regularly enhancing the capacities of (W)HRDs to be able to do their work in a safe manner.


The Defenders Coalition is therefore seeking to engage a consultant who shall develop a training manual for (W)HRDs in Kenya to strengthen their capacities to be able to do the work of monitoring documenting and reporting on human rights violations during the 2022 elections season. The manual must explore and be specific to WHRDs concerns and mitigation.

The consultant will also be tasked to compile specific reports on the situation of human rights from the 47 counties in the period August – December 2021. The information is domiciled at Defenders Coalition following ongoing election related monitoring of rights violations.

In summary, the consultant shall;

  1. Collate the situational report about human rights in Kenya during the electioneering period August-December 2021 and with available field reports.
  2. Develop training content and materials for possible online and physical training
  1. Develop a three-day training schedule (for online training and physical training)
  2. Develop clear methodologies for each.
  3. Develop data collection tools for use during the elections period
  4. Undertake a three-day training for selected (W)HRDs to be trained as trainers on monitoring, documentation and reporting

The materials to be developed by the consultant should put into consideration diverse human rights based approaches to monitoring and documentation and reporting on violations. The training modules and materials will be discussed and approved by the Defenders Coalition team before the commencement of the training.


  1. A palatable situational report about the situation of human rights during the  period August-December 2021
  2. Training modules and schedules of the trainings (online and physical trainings)
  3. Conduct a three-day training for (W)HRDs on monitoring, documentation and reporting.
  4. A comprehensive trainers manual that can be used by Defenders Coalition and the (W)HRDs in conducting trainings on monitoring, documentation and reporting.
  5. Develop a trainers report at the end of the training
  6. Data collection tools for collecting data during the electioneering period

Profile of the Consultant(s) 

The consultant(s) should have the following qualifications/expertise:

Interested applicants shall present to the Defenders Coalition both financial and technical proposal for the project. The technical proposal must cover all-important aspects of the project and the financial proposal should cover professional and support cost.

Application Procedure 

Interested applicants who meet the job requirements and qualifications and with the right personal attributes are invited to complete and submit the following:

  1. A technical proposal detailing the methodology and work plan
  2. Financial proposal
  3. A brief description of the resource person outlining recent experience in similar assignments
  4. At least three references of similar assignment
  5. Sample work that is similar to this assignment

All applications should be sent to Defenders Coalition via:  copy by Friday, 30th December 2021 with subject line CONSULTANCY FOR DEVELOPING TRAINING MANUAL FOR 2022 ELECTION MONITORING


Defenders Coalition is an equal opportunity employer, committed to ensuring diversity, inclusivity and gender equality within our organization and work. Defenders Coalition, thus will recruit/award the consultancy to the most qualified person /company irrespective of race, color, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, gender, ethnicity. Only successful candidates will be contacted.


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