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To champion the safety, security and wellbeing of Human Rights Defenders.


Njeri Migwi is a woman human rights defender, a mother of nine babies, 5 humans and four cats. 

She is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Usikimye, a platforms established to offer refuge for victims and survivors of sexual and gender based violence.  With others, Njeri has put together safehouses that ensure that SGBV victims have a haven against the violations directed at them. She thrives in humour , is an avid RPG gamer and is an avid LOTR fan.

The idea of coming up with safe houses for victims of SGBV sparked when she was experiencing SGBV but had nowhere to call home away from the perpetrators. She realized that many victims and survivors of SGBV lacked a place to rest while they seeking mechanisms to hold the perpetrators to account. 

She quickly closed the gap and established Usikimye. 

Najeri is a firm believer of bouncing back from the moments of  darkness associated with the SGBV. 

Her love for defending and promoting other people’s rights does not end there. She has a soft spot for children. Together with others, Njeri co-founded Mama Rescue, an organization that responds to children in distress. She also supports a feeding programme , where at least 4000 mouths are fed every week. Njeri also helped establish a a mobile library and arts program to give alternative learning models for kids to kids and have fun while at it.

Through her leadership, Uskimye rescued numerous women and girls, children and infants. While her passion lies in women , she has never shied from rescuing men in violent relationships.Through her leadership, they have re-homed various members of the LGBTQ community to different neighborhoods due to an escalating corrective violations such as the gang rape silent pandemic.

Her work is guided by the awareness she has around SGBV issues. She employs community centered practices that ensure that local problems are addressed using locally available response mechanisms for reprieve.  She hopes that her advocacy work will bear fruit at the preventive level where attitudes surrounding harmful cultural practices that perpetuate SGBV are completely eliminated

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